They are like Demetri Martin, they entertain for a profession and when a brand wants to align with them it can sometimes look really good.
Such as the Martin + Microsoft = 'Clearficiation' series
They are like Hilltop Hoods, who are entertainers who have commercial deals with brands, in particular DC (they have to wear DC at every show). However, you do not hear them mention this during one of their shows.
They are peformers...They put on a show...They act.
John Laws does not act, he is seen as news source an information source.
They are definitely not like Rene Rivkin, Rene gave financial advice that people trusted. When he had a vested interest people's money was at risk.
At the end of the day in my opinion;
-Vloggers need to disclose any commercial deals. I think that it should be on their profile homepage, I don’t think it needs to be on the video.

-The best Vloggers will put their community first. If there is no fit they will not engage in commercial terms, no matter how much financial or other value they stand to gain
Mark Pollard asked me a good question yesterday;
Show me an example of a good whisper campaign?
I think you could extend this to show me an example of a good campaign using Youtube stars which is either whisper or full disclosure?
UPDATE: 12:20PM 25/02/09
I ask and they answer
Examples of Good Branded Campaigns;
I beat you and KevJumba
Fred and Zipit
Blog TV and number of famous Vloggers
Thanks Nat for the examples, if anyone has any more please share.