Tuesday, 28 July 2009

15 Australian Musicians using Social Media/Digital well

I am really excited, We are currently in the process of writing a White Paper on Social Benchmarks for Australian Musicians, there are some really interesting numbers around the size of a bands social networks and album sales. It will be available in the next couple of weeks, let me know if you would be interested in getting a copy.

In preparation, I have prepared some of the latest examples of Australian Musicians using Social Media/Digital well.

1. We recently helped Yves Klein Blue run a Twitter Promotion where they gave away a free download of one of their tracks and the chance to win tickets to Splendour in exchange for a tweet.

2. Blue Juice created a mockumentary around Skipping for the video clip for Broken Leg

3. SPOD has created Fantasyze which are Podcasts to help you get fit! Funny idea.

4. Short Stack lets you create your own text in their speech bubbles for their music video.

5. Empire of the Sun fans and musos across the world got to see and hear an exclusive broadcast from Empire of the Sun for the very first time on July 22.

It occurred for 6 minutes and 39 seconds shortly after 1:00pm (Australian EST) during the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century. The eclipse took place throughout the Asia Pacific region, visible only in Australia from the very tip of far North Queensland.

6. In conjunction with Cancer Research UK; Ladyhawke will be preforming a private show for the person who can get the most friends on a guest list. Check it out at Skindividual

7. SBS show Rockwiz have set up a Twitter account where they ask 5 music questions a day. Cool idea.

8. EMI organised a Blogger Special Paul Dempsey Listening Party at The Cricketers (it ended up getting rescheduled though). They have also created a Facebook Group 'I want to hear Paul Dempsey's new album first!'

9. Powderfinger have created a blog about being in the studio recording their new album.

10. Yves Klein Blue House Party Petition

11. Kate Miller-Heidke in collaboration with NSW Department of Education asked High School Students to create video clips and upload to Myspace about anti bullying for the clip 'Caught In The Crowd'

Oldies but goodies;

12. Whitley in collaboration with Myspace and HP created three competitions; 1) to get people to write the best review of the album, 2) To design the tour artwork and 3) to record a demo to join the Whitley Tour.

13. Angus and Julia Stone have created a very nice personalised Facebook Page.

14. Presets 'Talk like that' ARG thingo (review by WayCoolJnr)

15. 360 degree music video clip by Children Collide

16. Evermore's surprise Commuter gig for Vodafone

For more examples of bands using Social Media well. Check out my previous post on 11 new examples of Musicians using Social Media

And finally, you must listen to these guys, The Middle East are arguably the best band in Australia at the moment. Their live show takes it to another level too!

Monday, 20 July 2009

From Marketing Causes to Lulz - 7 new Aussie Blogs

Most of these blogs have been around for a long time but they are new to my Blogroll and worth a mention.

Hello Sunday Morning (Social Cause to Marketing)
His Twitter bio said it all, during the week Chris Raine works for youth ad agency (FRESH). On his weekend, he writes the blog Hello Sunday Morning - changing youth binge-drinking culture.

It is really good to see someone in advertising using their knowledge for their own side project. I really like the name Hello Sunday Morning too.

Love number two
Is the blog I wish I wrote, his post are well thought out and are detailed on the subject of marketing/technology.

Pablo Jeffress Vs Hellomonkeyboy
(Marketing to Awesome)
Pablo Jeffress is one of those guys who just finds all the cool stuff on the internet so you do not have too. Gold finds so far have included Copycunts.

Where's my pony - Claude Ware
(Awesome to Lulz)
It is rumoured that her job is just to find awesome stuff on the internet for Myspace. Her Tumblr delivers the goods. She introduced me to the Liztomania clip by the Brat Pack.

Chronicles of Dardia (Lulz a Million)
Imagine getting four Annik Skelton's and deporting them all too Perth and making them write their life story all on one blog. These girls are very entertaining! If you like them then you should also check out another Perf Native Wack Sauce. Also follow SexyKits aka Grace from the Chronicles on Twitter.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Case Study - Football Superstar : Running a successful Facebook Page

Last night was the final episode of the Fox8 reality TV show Football Superstars. We looked after the online promotion of this show. One of our tactics was to create an official Facebook Page. We knew their audience used Facebook and that it would be a great way to keep an on going dialogue with these fans.

We found an existing page for Football Superstar, which we took over from a fan from last season. The group had 347 fans. It was amazing how effective the Facebook Advertising was for finding fans of the show. We grew the group to well over 5,400 fans.

It will not win any awards but god damn it was effective with a ridiculously low cost per acquisition rate of 20c.

4. Key Learnings

1. Female Skew
We originally set the advertising to just Male (14-23) but what we found was that the show had a strong female teen audience, who were actually the most vocal online.
Page Demographics
Demogaphics on who was interacting
2. Stars were active
A number of the stars from the show were really active on the page. This was great for fans to feel closer to the show.

3. Facebook Pages still have a few glitches
You cannot create an event that invites everyone from a page to an event, this is a little annoying. However the Status updates get amazing responses and a great upgrade.

4. Some things are out of your control
State of Origin and a Soccer Final on the same night as your finale and launch is going to seriously affect your ratings.

Update on MasterChef
I wrote a review of MasterChef's Digital Strategy earlier in the year, they are now doing a great job with there Facebook Page, check it out. I cannot believe Justine got the chop.

Monday, 13 July 2009

What type of Social Media Service are you? Boss/Right Hand Man/Muscle/Mercenary

In Australia there are currently four types of agents who are implementing Social Media Initiatives for Companies. As I am addicted to The Wire, I will use analogies from the series to describe the different types of offers.

The Main Man – Avon Barksedale

These people work full time for the brand they are doing social media work for. They champion social media from internally. They can act as a great form of customer service and are a touch point to the rest of the organisation.

Examples of this are
Mike Hickinbotham for Telstra
Karla Courtney for QANTAS Insider
Scott Drummond for Sports Hydrant
Chris Noble and for World Nomads

The Right Hand Man – Stringer Bell
These are people who consult and educate people within an organsation on how they should best use the power of social media/community. They usually consult a number of brand/businesses at the one time.

Laurel Papworth
Gerry McCusker
Stephen Collins
Lee Hopkins

The Muscle - Snoop

These are people who are brought in from outside of the organization to help run a companies social media strategy on behalf of the brand. They usually work on a retainer model and are hired to do the tactical day to day running of a community. They will also work across a number of brands usually.

Mudo Media
Switched on Media

The Mercenary - Brother Mouzone

These people are brought on for campaigns that a brand will be running. Social Media is seen to be integrated within a larger campaign that will be running. They work on a short term basis and are usually re-engaged only when a new campaign is launching for that brand.

The Population

There is usually a little bit of overlap between these roles so someone may act as the consultant but may also be the muscle on the project.

On a side note; who is your favourite character on The Wire?
For me it is a toss up between Bodie or Robin Hood Omar Little