Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Current state of Comms Planning with Joel Pearson

If you wanted to hear about the current state of Comms Planning, you should definitely check out the latest episode of The Planning Salon. I was lucky enough to have a chat with Joel Pearson who is currently the Innovation Director at PHD working on the global comms planning duties for Unilever where he looks after the hair care, home care and skin care brands. 

The conversation started out focusing on his role in architecting the propagation plan for the successful Dove Sketches which has amassed over 165 million views. We then had a chat about Comms Planning from a creative agency vs. media agency and the trends we are likely to see. Have a watch and let me know what you think. 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

What is Comms Planning?

What is Comms Planning? is my latest presentation which goes into detail about the role of the Comms Planner at a creative agency. Hopefully you find it useful!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

6 great examples of Digital Strategy presentations

One of the hardest things to find online are great examples of Digital Strategy presentations. I was lucky enough to have some great students in my class who ended up spending a lot of time creating their final Digital Strategy presentations for the Skillshare course. It was great to see all the different ways that people approached the problem and presented the information. Hopefully you can pick up a few tips from their presentations.

I am also teaching an online Crash Course in Communications Planning for $35 starting May 8th sign up it is going to be great!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Wanted Comms Planner to work on PlayStation at BBH

The past month has been a whirlwind of events, I was over the moon to be a part of the team at BBH NY to win the PlayStation account for North America. Since then, I have been tasked with leading the Communication Strategy for PlayStation. For Communications Strategists - this is the dream job. Gaming and sports are the only two categories where you get that elusive continued high level of engagement in communication that is rarely seen by consumer brands. 

Because of this high level of engagement there has seen a lot of the ground breaking work in the Communication Strategy world come from the gaming category in the last couple of years.  From the boom of Alternate Reality Gaming, thanks to the Halo franchise, to what we now see as the best practices in Social Media Marketing which were being pioneered in gaming forums 10 years ago. 

If that was not a great enough, add to that challenge that PlayStation just announced that they will be releasing the next generation of their console this year. With speculation that Xbox will announce a new console too, the communications strategy has never been more important in ensuring that PlayStation is the next generation of console that is purchased.  

The scope of this job is quite large and with that I am looking for a Communication Strategist to join me at BBH to help create the most compelling work possible for PlayStation so far. I really want to meet a Strategist that is a gaming nut, not someone that plays games but the kind of person that knows the intimate nuances within the gaming community and what makes its members tick. Like all Strategists, this person needs to be fascinated by consumer behavior, have fantastic attention to detail and can multi-task like a pro. They also need to have 2 - 5 years agency experience. 

If you know someone who would be perfect then get them to send through their CV and Xbox Gamertag/PlayStation ID to me at julian.cole(at)bartleboglehegarty.com 

Sunday, 13 January 2013

A Digital Strategy for Lindsay Lohan with Kristian Henschel

Just a little side project that I worked on over the last couple of weeks with fellow Digital Strategist Kristian Henschel 'A Digital Strategy of Lindsay Lohan' on Slideshare. We were lucky enough to get to Presentation of the Day on Slideshare and had over 40,000 views in a week.